Who We Are
We are passionate about connecting families with resources based in science and kindness.
As clinicians and family members ourselves, we know how confusing, frustrating, and terrifying it can be to watch someone we love get caught within patterns of addiction.
We know that families care deeply and are deeply affected by their loved one’s alcohol or substance use.
We know that families are often underserved, under-supported, and underutilized within the treatment field, often being cast as “part of the problem” instead of the incredible resource of knowledge, care, and love that you actually are.
And we know that really powerful and effective approaches exist, grounded in science and kindness, that you can learn to help you improve communication, increase connection, and effectively encourage your loved one towards recovery while taking care of yourself in the process.
We believe in the power of these approaches, based in CRAFT. And we believe in the power of your care and knowledge and love.
Our belief is based on an approach that has delivered results over time and circumstance. Belief rooted in communication science, behavioral principals, mindfulness, and compassion. Belief borne out from years of research. And belief from our own experiences in seeing families reconnect and grow beyond addiction, again and again and again.
They have done this. You can too. We want to help you connect with the support and resources you need to start.
About Us
Cordelia Kraus, LPC, CADC-I, Certified CRAFT Clinician
Hello! I’m so glad you are here…
The Helping Families Help website (previously SoberFamilies.com) was offered to me in 2019, and I now run the site in between my clinical work and family time. My commitment to Helping Families Help is grounded in my strong drive to support families and providers who want to learn more about CRAFT and CRAFT-based approaches. For more history about the site, read more here.
I have a full-time private practice in inner SE Portland, Oregon, USA where I work with adults with mental health concerns, addictive behavior concerns and with families struggling with their loved one’s addictive behaviors.
To support providers who are interested in connecting with CRAFT-based approaches, I run a free monthly CRAFT-based peer consultation group for providers and facilitates both trainings and presentations.
I’ve been a SMART Recovery facilitator since 2014 and ran both Standard and Family & Friends SMART Recovery groups for several years. I’ve facilitated Invitation to Change trainings with the Center for Motivation and Change for the Partnership to End Addiction’s peer-to-peer Parent Coaching program since 2016 and completed Certification in CRAFT by Dr. Robert Meyers and Associates in 2018.
Private practice website: Cordelia Kraus at Vital Space, LLC | Helping Families Help Provider Directory link | Curriculum vitae
Carey Rinke, MA, LLC
Carey has been working with Helping Families Help since October 2021 and has been the mind and heart behind responding to families who are emailing to find local resources and more information about CRAFT.
Carey was inspired to start her CRAFT journey after hearing a presentation on CRAFT while working on a Masters in Counseling Psychology degree in Michigan in 2018. She knew she wanted to become trained in order to help families concerned about their loved ones with substance use disorder. After connecting with Cordelia through her website and learning about training opportunities, Carey was trained in CRAFT by Lara Okoloko, LICSW in 2020.
For nine years, Carey worked in the admissions office at a faith-based, residential program for those needing help with addiction related issues. She spoke to thousands of families and individuals looking for help and knew the elements of CRAFT would be so encouraging for these families but quickly realized developing a family program just wasn’t feasible at that time.
After graduation in 2020, Carey decided to venture into clinical work to pursue a CRAFT-focused practice in southeast Michigan called Restored Connections Counseling, LLC. Carey also works with adults facing anxiety, depression, life transitions, and addiction concerns.
In 2021, Carey completed training to be a facilitator for both Standard and Family & Friends SMART Recovery groups and has Level 1 Certification in the Invitation to Change Approach. Carey is thrilled to support the work of the Helping Families Help website as a Virtual Assistant and finds satisfaction in the full circle experience of having received support through the website and now helping others connect with CRAFT-based resources.
Private practice website: Restored Connections Counseling | Helping Families Help Provider Directory link
Curious about the history of the website itself?
This website has been around in one form or another since 2012 and has had a few iterations along the way. If you are interested in where we’ve been… and where we are hoping to go… read more about the site history here.
Feeling stuck? We’d love to help you resources that are a good fit for you!
Send us a message by emailing connect@helpingfamilieshelp.com or use the message form below. Carey or Cordelia will get back to you as soon as we can.