Welcome to our collection of resources, links to articles, answers to questions, musings, ideas, and tips. We have a lot of information available…feel free to look around or, for more structure, START HERE
CRAFT Explained. Twice.
Certified CRAFT Trainer, Lara Okoloko, walks us through what CRAFT has to offer in this 45 minute video.
The Control Circle... finding empowerment in what you can do and letting go of what you can't
A short video about a tool that you can use to explore what you have direct control of, what you don’t, and how knowing this can help you move forward with the universe exactly as it is.
Using DIRI to Communicate Your Boundaries
Communicating boundaries can seem hard. It doesn’t have to be. Use DIRI to structure your boundary communication in a way that is clear, effective, and kind.
How to Clarify Your Boundaries with Want Willing Won’t
Create clarity around setting and maintaining your boundaries with this Want Willing Won't tool.
What's in a name? Why the name of this website matters…
The reasoning behind the website name change and what it means for you. (Estimated 6 minute read)
Brilliant: An Introduction to ITC
Sometimes there’s an idea that is so captivating and useful that my world seems to bend around it. Anything that life throws at me can be seen from, and navigated within, this brilliant idea.
There are a few quotes that are like this for me. A song or two that fits the bill (“Closer to Fine”, anyone?). And, in the last few years, an approach called the Invitation to Change…
Welcome to the new site! What's been happening...and where we're headed
There’s this moment in time while moving into a new home where there can be a narrow window of peace….the same sort of peace found in the space between breaths. You’ve just spent a huge amount of energy moving in and know you have so far to go before it actually feels like a home. But you’ve just brought the last box in, you’ve figured out where the forks were packed, and you’ve got the coffee maker plugged in for breakfast in the morning.
That’s where we are…