Domestic Violence Resources
If your spouse, partner, or child is abusive… CRAFT may not be a good fit at the start. Your safety and wellbeing comes first. If you are in a violent relationship or fear for your safety, the first priority is keeping you safe. In this situation, please start by contacting resources that specialize in assisting with violence or abuse in the home. Once you have a foundation of relative safety, you may choose to turn to CRAFT at that point.
If you are being abused, verbally, physically or sexually, it is NOT your fault. And you are not alone. A recent report in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that nearly 44% of U.S. women will experience some form of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) at some point in their lives. The US Department of Justice reports that nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men report having been raped or physically assaulted by a current or previous intimate partner.
What is Intimate Partner Violence?
Domestic Violence or Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is an attempt to establish power, dominance, and control over another person through fear, intimidation, or violence. It can include any physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological behavior that is meant to frighten, intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, blame, or injure someone. Some examples of IPV include:
Physical violence or threats of violence including kicking, hitting, shoving, destruction of victims' properties or other physical force
Sexual violence and abuse including attempted or actual sexual contact without your consent
Psychological or emotional abuse, including intimidation, isolation, or controlling your contact with others
Verbal abuse including threats to harm the victims' family, friends, children, co-workers, or pets
Stalking including following, harassing, or tracking you
If I could only get them to quit drinking/using everything would be ok…
One of the most difficult aspects of IPV is that often the abuser isn’t always like that. They often express intense remorse and make promises about changing. And for the person who is being abused, they often still care a great deal about the one who is doing the abusing. So it can be very difficult for a person to take the courageous step to do what is necessary to seek safety and stop the pattern of abuse.
If there is substance abuse involved, it can sometimes feel easier to try to get the abuser to address their substance use first, hoping that if the substance abuse changes, the abuse will end. However, it doesn’t work that way. If you are experiencing IPV, you must first address your own safety. Below are some safety tips and resources to help you through this process.
Safety planning
If you are in an IPV relationship, we urge you to get some help establishing your safety. Here are some basic safety tips recommended by domestic violence organizations:
Pack a bag and store it somewhere out of sight. Include a few days of clothes, any needed medications, copies of important legal documents such as driver’s license, social security card, and bank information, and cash if possible.
Identify one or more safe houses: Talk with a trusted friend, family member, or coworker about being able to use their house as safe place to stay at any time. It’s important to keep your safe houses confidential. Know where you are going ahead of time.
Keep your phone charged and with you at all times. You may want to program in some of the local crisis line and emergency numbers for easy access.
Make arrangements for a safe place for your pets. Very often people who abuse their partners/spouses will also abuse companion animals. Check with your local humane society or animal shelter as they may have resources to help you find a temporary safe housing for your pet if you are going to be staying in a non-pet friendly shelter.
Call 2-1-1 for resources within the United States. 2-1-1 is a free referral program that aims to distribute information about local social service providers to people in need. The service is free and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 has interpretation services in several languages.
Most importantly, talk with someone who can help! Every situation is different and it is essential that you talk with someone who can help you figure out how best to deal with your own case. Domestic violence organizations, hotlines, or therapists who have expertise in IPV can all help guide you as you decide what is right for you in your unique situation. Below is a list of resources for places to start looking for assistance.
Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Resources in the United States
United States domestic violence resources
National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women, 1-888-7HELPLINE (1-888-743-5754), national organization focused on helping both male and female victims of intimate partner abuse whether they are in same-sex or opposite-sex relationships
Safe Horizons,1.800.621.HOPE (4673) National provider of domestic violence resources
Women’s Law program of the NNEDV, State-by-state legal information and resources for IPV victims.
“What makes a relationship unhealthy?”— good overview from Planned Parenthood
Local (Oregon) domestic violence resources
Gateway Center for Domestic Violence Services, 503-988-6400
Call to Safety, formerly Portland Women’s Crisis Line, 503-235-5333, 1-888-235-5333
Vancouver Women’s Crisis Line, 360-696-0167
La Linea de Ayuda para la Mujer (Spanish-speaking Women’s Crisis Line), 503-232-4448
SAWERA: South Asian Women’s Empowerment and Resource Alliance, 503-778-7386
Multnomah County Human Services, (503) 988-3646– has a specific department for LGBT domestic violence victims and for children who have witnessed domestic violence.
Multnomah County DVert (Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team , 503-988-6440
Allies in Change, offers gender-specific abuse intervention and abuse recovery groups.
Local (Oregon) legal assistance for domestic violence
Restraining Orders (Multnomah County), assistance provided by Gateway Center 503-988-6400
Multnomah County Department of Community Justice Domestic Violence Unit, 503-988-5056
Multnomah County District Attorney Domestic Violence Unit, 503- 988-3873, Has a an extensive online domestic violence resource manual
Family Law Hotline for Domestic Violence Victims, 503-299-6101
Address Confidentiality Program—Program through the Department of Justice which provides a substitute address to use in place of your actual address where mail will be delivered
Victim’s Assistance Program—Provides crime-related medical and mental health benefits
Local (Oregon) temporary housing for domestic violence
Bradley-Angle House, 503-232-1528
Raphael House, 503-222-6507
Domestic Violence Resource Center, 503-469-8620, Runs the Monika’s House Shelter
Yolanda House of YWCA, through the Gateway Center 503 988 6400
Clackamas Women’s Services Shelter, 503-654-2288
SafeChoice/Vancouver YWCA, 360-695-0501
Salvation Army West Women and Children’s Shelter, 503-224-7718
Oregon Humane Society, 503-285-7722 – Has a program to provide temporary housing for companion animals of people who are leaving a domestically violent situation.