Want to learn how to practice CRAFT-based approaches with your loved one?
There are many ways to get connected with CRAFT-based resources as a family member… and one size doesn’t fit all! Whether you prefer reading books, participating in a workshop, watching videos, joining a group, or working with a provider…there are many options for connecting with the skills, perspectives, and support that CRAFT has to offer!
All of the options listed throughout Helping Families Help are offered by CRAFT-based providers, many who are a part of the Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN).
Want more of an understanding of what CRAFT is before connecting with resources? Learn more about CRAFT here!
Are you a provider who is interested in offering CRAFT-based services to your community? Learn more about the Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN) here!

Family Resources Overview
Upcoming Events for Families
Learn about CRAFT-based approaches and how they can help you and your family by attending a training, workshop, or event.
Ongoing Groups for Families
Find online CRAFT-based groups for learning and mutual support.
Helping Families Help Provider Directory
Connect with a CRAFT-based provider for personalized support for learning and applying the skills and perspectives to your family situation.
Study Participation
Receive free care and invest in the knowledge base by enrolling in open CRAFT-based research studies. Help yourself, your family, and science!
CRAFT-based Resources for Families Dealing with Addiction
Explore books, workbooks, community support groups, and videos that teach the CRAFT method.
Domestic Violence Resources
If you are in a violent relationship or fear for your safety, the first priority is keeping safe. If you are being abused, verbally, physically or sexually, it is NOT your fault. And you are not alone.