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Events & Trainings
CRAFT-based Events and Trainings for Providers Offered by Members of the CRAFT-based Community
In HelpingFamiliesHelp.com, “Providers” are anyone who wants to offer CRAFT-based skills to your community somehow. (If you are a family member looking for resources for yourself and your family, please go to Family Resources Overview.)
Trainings are in chronological order and listed under the month of their first event date. Events will be removed from the list once the first event day is past.
Jump to a specific month here :
Anytime (asynchronous) | January | February | Beyond
Event times are listed in Eastern and Pacific Time Zones. To figure out the group time in your timezone use a timezone converter such as this one from Time and Date.
These events and trainings are open to any providers who are interested. Being a member of HFHPN is not required, except where noted. Please directly contact the folks offering the events or trainings with any questions you might have!
If you are looking to get more information about CRAFT as a provider and aren’t yet ready to jump into a full training, consider checking out the family event page for other ways to get exposed to the work! Although the focus will be likely slightly different than what you will receive at a professional training, family workshops are a great way to be introduced to some of the concepts and connect with the experiences and perspectives of families .
For Trainers:
If you offer CRAFT-based training for providers I would love to list your training here! To learn more about listing your training or workshop CLICK HERE.
Common Terms:
CRAFT Training. Community Reinforcement And Family Training (CRAFT) was developed by Dr. Robert J Meyers and Associates. Any training listed as a “CRAFT training” means that the trainer is a Certified CRAFT Trainer (which is a higher level of certification than a Certified CRAFT Provider) and associated with Dr. Robert Meyers.
CRAFT-based Training. These trainings are being offered by providers who are knowledgable about and have received ample training in CRAFT, however they are not Certified CRAFT Trainers.
Invitation to Change (ITC) Training. ITC, created by the Center for Motivation and Change, is a combination of CRAFT, Motivational Interviewing, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. This version of CRAFT includes, not only the protocol on what to do, but offers heart (or more technically speaking, psychological flexibility) behind the why and how. CMC offers a tiered certification process for ITC for those who are interested; please see their website for more info.