CRAFT/ITC Provider
Consult Groups
Gain ongoing support and community in your CRAFT-based work
The following provider groups are available for HFHPN Members at the Active and First-Year Introductory Levels.
Consult groups offer ongoing community and support for you and your CRAFT-based work.
Last Tuesday CRAFT/ITC Provider Peer Consultation & Book Club
Cordelia Kraus, LPC, CADC-I, certified CRAFT clinician, ITC Trainer
Last Tuesday of every month
12:00 pm Eastern | 9:00 am Pacific • 2 hours
Zoom • Free for all Active & First Year Level members
Find a place for consultation, deep discussion, and community here! The consult group is roughly divided into to parts.
We spend the first half of our time together on questions and discussion. After brief introductions, we set a collaborative agenda to make sure that we create time to address all of the CRAFT-based consultation requests, announcements, CRAFT-based questions that are brought in.
The second half of the meeting we turn our attention towards discussing the most recent chapter of whatever CRAFT-based book we are reading together. Participants come bringing a question or observation or two to contribute to the discussion.
Since June 2024 we have been reading “The CRAFT Treatment Manual” by Dr. Jane Ellen Smith and Dr. Robert J Meyers for the book club portion of the group.
We would love to have you join us!
✨CRAFTy Connections✨ Group
Cordelia Kraus, LPC, CADC-I, certified CRAFT clinician, ITC Trainer
Monthly, variable dates/times
Doodle poll out for January’s Group - Click Here to add your preferences!
Zoom • Free for all Active & First Year Level members
This group is for providers who want a place to hang out, meet others who are doing CRAFT-based work, and get your questions answered!
This group was formerly known as the ✨Newerish✨ Group and while the name has changed, the format hasn’t.
Held almost every month, this group purposely shuffles a days and times around to increase the chances that different people can attend. Watch for the Doodle polls on the HFHPN emails to help select the next group time & date!
Whether you are curious about how to start groups, how to handle situations that you are worried about, differences between Invitation to Change and SMART Recovery F&F and CRAFT, what CRAFT certification is and if you need it, or just want to to share about your experiences getting into the work or listen to others… we’d love to hang out, connect, and help however we can!
Join us using the Zoom link below!