HFHPN Member-Only Page
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about membership, benefits, updating your directory profile, upgrading your membership, or anything else membership program related… this is the place to ask them!
Comments, insights, feedbacks, or inspirations are also very welcome.
This FAQ will be updated with Q’s that are A’d F’ly. The last update was on July 15th, 2024.
Thank you for your questions and feedback!! 💙
General FAQ
On this website CRAFT (i.e., Community Reinforcement And Family Training) is defined as the evidence-based protocol developed by Dr. Robert J Meyers and associates. The term “CRAFT-based” is defined as any approach that is grounded in and aligns with the CRAFT protocol, and may either add additional skills or understanding and/or remove portions of the original CRAFT protocol. Some examples here include CRAFT, Invitation to Change Approach (ITC) from CMC:Foundation for Change and SMART Recovery Family & Friends.
It's a bit confusing as the words are so similar... but being a Certified CRAFT Provider is different from having received a certificate from attending a full CRAFT training.
To become a Certified CRAFT Provider one would have gone through the full CRAFT training with a certified CRAFT trainer (certified through Dr. Meyers & Associates), and then submitted and successfully completed the 9 core CRAFT modules.
To successfully complete a single module, a recording of real and unscripted work with a family member is submitted to and scored by an Expert CRAFT Coder with Dr. Meyers and Associates. That recording must receive a score of 3 or higher out of 5 in all areas in order to pass the module. Any one score below a 3 and the module will need to be reattempted and the individual must demonstrate all parts of the module in the session.
Additionally, applicants must attend two coaching sessions with their Expert CRAFT Coder. Once all this is successfully completed through Dr. Meyers and Associates, one receives a different certificate stating one is certified to provide CRAFT-based services and recognized on Dr. Meyers' website as a Certified CRAFT Clinician.
Membership FAQ
For First Year and Active members, add up to two additional sub-accounts to your main account. Folks with sub-accounts have the ability to log in with their own login to access the Member's Only pages, separate from the main account log in, and will be added to the HFHPN email group.
Active members with Directory Profiles have the option of listing those additional sub-accounts as contacts or locations on their Directory Profile, or keeping those names private if you would prefer.
The way the sub-account works depends on the information you add to it. Once you push the "+ Contact" button you will see a detailed form. Add an email address and that sub-account will be able to create a log in. Add a location and indicate the sub-account is public and the information you enter will show up on your Directory Profile (if you have one) and as an additional pin on the Directory map page (depending on your settings).
Here's some examples of ways you can use sub-accounts:
• give access to Member Only page & HFHPN email group to someone you run a group with who isn't a member of HFHPN yet (add a name and email)
• add additional states of licensure if you are licensed in multiple states (add state name to location field)
• add additional locations if you have multiple offices. (add street addresses to location field)
• offer a sub-account to your assistant so they can watch the email group for referrals or submit events/groups on your behalf
This feature can now be found in the new "Subaccount" tab, visible to Active and First Year Members. Go to Manage Account to add yours!
Directory FAQ
That's a great question and totally up to you!
That said, I have thoughts..
For me I think as sole practitioner it makes more sense to lead with the personal name vs the business name... (unless you are moving towards opening up a clinic with more providers under that name). Otherwise... folks who are looking for you, or referring people to you, will be looking for your name and will know you by your name... not the business name. For example: I refer people to CMC (not Dr. Foote or Dr. Carpenter)... or Allies In Recovery (not Dominique Simon Levine)... as the organization is bigger than the person. But if I am referring people to Lara Okoloko I use her name instead of CARES NW... or for Meggan McEvoy I refer folks to her... not Twinflowers Counseling....
And no one would ever know to send folks to Vital Space, LLC. Even though it's on the bottom of every page of this website.
I also think there's more of a personal touch to being listed as a person as opposed to as a business... but, again... if you are hoping that your company will be bigger than you someday (like a clinic)... then perhaps going with the business name would make more sense as that is what you would want known.
Also, again... what I think doesn't matter here!!!!! I offer my thoughts to help test out your thoughts on the matter.. and whatever actually makes sense for you is what you should do. :)
The blue “Verified” stamp is available to providers who have attended a full CRAFT-based training AND submitted proof of that CRAFT-based training or certification. Full CRAFT-based training includes full CRAFT, full ITC, and/or SMART-Recovery Facilitator Training.
To receive the blue "Verified" stamp , please email a photo or pdfs of the specific training certificates for the levels of training you endorsed in your training section to directory@helpingfamilieshelp.com. Once all specified levels of training have been verified, your "Verified" stamp will be activated.
Verification is recommended, but not required for most training levels.
Verification of successful completion of the certification process is required in order to be listed as a Certified CRAFT Provider, a Certified CRAFT Trainer, an ITC Trainer, or to state that you offer Supervision for CRAFT Certification in the Services For Providers section. If you are not listed on Dr. Meyer's site, please email me with the documentation showing successful completion of the certification process and I will add the certification label and the blue "Verified" stamp to your Profile. ITC Trainers, if you are not listed as a trainer on the CMC:FFC site, please email me to verify. -
The blue Verified stamp is a way to build trust in the Directory itself. This way you know, and family members know, that if the blue Verified stamp is present, that the provider has attended a full CRAFT-based training and proof of training has been shown. And that this policy isn't subjective and applies equally to everyone.
Most of the verification is through training certificates. Some may be through more creative means (like the provider's presence on the training organization's website such as Dr. Meyer's Certified CRAFT Provider's list. or an email from the trainer.) All of them rely on something outside of either of us as individuals.
Membership Works (MSW) has created a system to try to guard against bots… when a sender outside of the HFHPN membership sends a message through the Directory Profile they will receive an email in their inbox. They need to confirm that they want to send the message to you within 72 hours or MSW assumes that they are a bot and will then block that email address from sending messages through the system in the future.
That said, it is stlll possilble for a person to send malicious files through the attachment part of the message, I would strongly recommend that you not open any attachments unless it is from a trusted and known sender. -
The attachment allows the sender to attach a file of some kind to the email.
Unfortunately, I can’t turn off attachments feature at this time, but I have requested that capability from Membership Works (MSW).Please be careful about opening any attachments as they may be vehicles for viruses.
Should MSW give me the capability of turning off attachments, I will do so in the future. -
To respond, simply click “reply” from your email and your response will go directly to them.
This is different from the old system where we needed to copy/paste the client’s email into the “To” field. With this new system you can simply hit “reply” as you would with any other incoming email.