HFHPN Email Group
HFHPN Member-Only Page
Welcome to the Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN) email group!
Please use this group to share training opportunities, locate a clinician or group in a specific area, provide info about your CRAFT-based project/group/website, share CRAFT-related articles or resources, or ask and respond to general questions or comments about CRAFT or CRAFT-based approaches. Please refrain from asking consultation questions that include client-identifying information, or providing information/solicitation about non-CRAFT related things.
If it is not clear how your email to the group relates to CRAFT-based work, please do connect the dots for us!
Please use the HFHPN email group to:
share training opportunities
locate a CRAFT-based provider or group for a family member impacted by their loved one’s alcohol use, substance use, or other difficult behaviors (referral requests)
provide information about your CRAFT-based project/group/website/e-book/workshop
connect with a group of other advocates of CRAFT-based approaches
Ask questions about
CRAFT or CRAFT-based approaches
how to run a group
how to advertise for CRAFT-based services or groups
advocate for policy change to increase access to CRAFT-based approaches in your area
other CRAFT-based provider’s experiences or perspectives
When using the HFHPN email group please do NOT:
include your client’s information in your emails
This is okay: “What’s your favorite way to talk about boundaries when the loved one is an adult?”
This is not: “I’m working with a mom who’s struggling with her 23-yo child…”
(bring those client-specific questions to the Last Tuesday Consult group instead!)
provide information about non-CRAFT related things
To post to the group, send a message to hfhpn@helpingfamilieshelp.com and the email will go out to the hundreds of providers who are a member of HFHPN. Please adhere to the HFHPN Membership Agreements when interacting with others in the HFHPN email group.
In addition to the larger HFHPN group we have a few smaller Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that are sub-groups of HFHPN. SIGs are available to join for any HFHPN Member at the Active or First Year Introductory Level. Click here to learn more about SIGs.
We're looking forward to your contributions!!!