HFHPN Agreements
There are two levels of agreements that are possible as a HFHPN member. Read the full Agreements by scrolling down.. or jump to a specific Agreements section using the links below.
the HFHPN Membership Agreements
the HFHPN Membership Agreements are for all HFHPN members at all levels of HFHPN membership. To be a member of HFHPN you are agreeing to be bound by the Membership Agreements.
HFHPN Public Directory Agreements
The HFHPN Public Directory Agreements are an additional set of Agreements (separate from the HFHPN Membership Agreements) that apply to all members with a public Directory Profile (including individual providers, organizations, and resources).
The HFHPN Public Directory Agreements defines the criteria that needs to be met in order to have a Profile listed on the public Directory. If you are able to honestly and accurately agree to all points within the HFHPN Public Directory Agreements, you have met the criteria.
If you create a public Directory profile you will indicate acceptance of the HFHPN Public Directory Agreements during the process of making your profile.
HFHPN Membership Agreements
The following agreements are for all providers who are a part of the Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN) at any Membership Level (Active, First Year, or Basic). By joining HFHPN at any level you have agreed to all of the agreements within the “HFHPN Membership Agreements”.
By requesting to join the HFHPN you agree to the following:
Use of Information: You agree to not use the information within public Provider Directory, Internal Member Database, HFHPN Google group, or any other Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN) related source for anything other than promoting your CRAFT-based services, connecting with other providers, or connecting families with other providers or resources; this information is not to be redistributed or sold.
Respect: HFHPN is a respectful and inclusive space. By joining HFHPN you agree to ground all HFHPN-related interactions in the stance of collaboration, autonomy, compassion, curiosity, and recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
Non-discrimination: As a member of HFHPN you agree to not reduce or refuse services to anyone based on their race, color, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, religion, national origin (ancestry), or relationship status.
Provider Role Scope: Information and/or experiences gained from involvement in HFHPN may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of your provider role. As a member of HFHPN, you are responsible for reviewing and keeping within your scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law or ethical code as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your role or profession’s standards.
Hold Harmless: By joining HFHPN you shall indemnify and hold Cordelia Kraus, Vital Space, LLC, Helping Families Help, Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN), their officers, agents, and employees harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of Cordelia Kraus, Vital Space, LLC, Helping Families Help, Helping Families Help Provider Network or their officers, agents or employees, pertaining to any of its activities and obligations related to, or from your use of, the Helping Families Help website and/or Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN).
Sub-accounts: You are responsible for all sub-accounts under your main account. All sub-accounts will be held to the same standard of agreement as the main account, however as those providers holding a sub-account under your main account have not signed the Membership Agreements, you agree to take ultimate responsibility for the sub-account should there be any concerns.
Work in Progress: You understand that the HFHPN membership program and HFH website are ongoing works in progress and the owner reserves the right to change the any of the agreements, procedures, offerings, cost, and structure of HFHPN and HFH over time. The owner will provide written notification to HFHPN membership through the Google group for any changes that the owner deems as substantially impacting HFHPN members.
At will: You understand that this is an “at will” Membership. Failure to comply with the terms of this agreement may result in the closure of your Membership, either temporarily or permanently, at the discretion of the owner, Cordelia Kraus, Vital Space, LLC.
You may also choose to terminate your participation at any time for any reason by submitting your cancellation request in writing.
You will receive written communication about any concerns the owner has and may have the opportunity to offer your own concerns and/or experience.
The owner reserves the right to seek consultation from sources both within and outside of the HFHPN community.
Should your Membership be terminated or cancelled all benefits will also be immediately terminated including removal from HFHPN Google group and SIGs, and removal of associated profiles, resources, events, groups, etc. from the Helping Families Help site.
Should your Membership be terminated or cancelled the owner may refund you the remainder of your Membership Fee and Additional Support, all prorated by day (as determined by removal date to date of membership expiration), minus the credit card processing fees, and rounded to the nearest US dollar.
revised: April 27, 2024
HFHPN Public Directory Agreements
The HFHPN Public Directory Agreements are an additional set of Agreements (separate from the HFHPN Membership Agreements) that apply to all members with a public Directory Profile (including individual providers, organizations, and resources).
The HFHPN Public Directory Agreements defines the criteria that needs to be met in order to have a Profile listed on the public Directory. If you are able to honestly and accurately agree to all points within the HFHPN Public Directory Agreements, you have met the criteria.
If you create a public Directory profile you will indicate acceptance of the HFHPN Public Directory Agreements during the process of making your profile.
By requesting entry onto this directory you agree to the following:
Addition: These public Directory Agreements are in addition to, not replacement of, the HFHPN Membership Agreements. You agree to be bound by both sets of agreements in order to have a public Directory profile.
No endorsement: You understand that this directory is for information only. Inclusion on this directory does not indicate affiliation with, or endorsement by HelpingFamiliesHelp.com and/or their owner, Cordelia Kraus of Vital Space, LLC. Participation in this directory is completely at your own risk.
Non-discrimination: You agree that you will not reduce or refuse services to anyone based on their race, color, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, religion, national origin (ancestry), or relationship status.
Definitions: CRAFT (i.e., Community Reinforcement And Family Training) is defined as the research-based protocol developed by Dr. Robert J Meyers and associates. The term “CRAFT-based” is defined as any other approach that is grounded in and aligns with the CRAFT protocol, and yet either adds additional skills or understanding and/or removes portions of the original CRAFT protocol. Some examples here are Invitation to Change approach created by the Center for Motivation and Change and CMC:Foundation for Change and SMART Recovery Family & Friends.
Integrity: You commit to offering services that are based on the research and stance of CRAFT (defined above). This stance, both what we teach and how we teach it, is grounded in collaboration, evocation, autonomy, compassion, curiosity, harm-reduction, striving for understanding, and recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
Scope of Practice: You identify as a provider who has enough experience and training in CRAFT-based approaches to ethically and honestly claim that CRAFT-based work is within your scope of practice, or, that you are receiving direct and ongoing supervison from someone who can ethically and honestly claim that CRAFT-based work is within their scope of practice.
Consultation: You understand that this work will, at times, be challenging and you have identified a resource for CRAFT-based consultation as necessary. This requirement is not only for your own care, but for the care of the families that you serve, and protection for the integrity of the field. None of us can do this alone.
Accuracy: You agree to represent yourself, your services, and your training/certifications honestly and accurately within your directory profile, in communications within the HFHPN community, to clients, and to potential clients. If your information, services, or training changes you will update your profile accordingly.
Capable: You agree that by listing yourself on the Directory you are physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of ethically providing services at the time of listing. Should you, at any point and for any reason, find that you are no longer ethically capable of provide services you will immediately disable your public Directory profile or notify the owner for assistance in doing so. Should you regain capability you are welcome to reinstate your profile at that time.
Sub-accounts: You are responsible for all sub-accounts under your main account. All sub-accounts will be held to the same standard of agreement as the main account, however as those providers holding a sub-account under your main account have not signed the Public Directory Agreements, you agree to take ultimate responsibility for the sub-account should there be any concerns.
At Will: You understand that this is an “at will” Directory. Failure to comply with the terms of this agreement may result in the removal of your profile entry from the directory, either temporarily or permanently, at the discretion of the owner.
You may also choose to end your participation at any time for any reason.
You will receive communication about any concerns the owner has and may have the opportunity to clarify, amend, or correct your Directory profile information.
The owner reserves the right to seek consultation from sources both within and outside of the HFHPN community.
The public Directory profile entry is not the same as HFHPN Membership and it is possible to be removed (voluntarily or involuntarily) from the Directory and still have HFHPN Membership.
Should your directory profile be removed and you would wish to downgrade to the Basic Membership Level or cancel your HFHPN Membership entirely, the owner may refund you the remainder of the difference between your Active Member Level and your new Membership Level, as well as any Additional Support, all prorated by day (as determined by removal date to date of membership expiration), minus the credit card processing fees, and rounded to the nearest US dollar.
revised April 27, 2024