SIGs: Special Interest Groups
HFHPN Member-Only Page
Connect with others with similar interests!
Current SIGs
In addition the larger HFHPN group we have a few smaller Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that are sub-groups of HFHPN.
Psychosis SIG: This group started with the free Psychosis-REACH training through the University of Washington’s SPIRIT lab. Providers who are interested in discussing more about the overlap of the experience of psychosis and substance use, and how families can effectively respond, are welcome here!
Members of the Psychosis SIG can email the group at: psychosis-sig@helpingfamilieshelp.com
Comunidad de proveedores HFH: Este grupo fue creado como un lugar para la comunidad, el apoyo y la conexión para proveedores, líderes familiares y administradores que ofrecen servicios basados en CRAFT en español.
Los miembros del Comunidad de provedores HFH pueden enviar un correo electrónico al grupo a: comunidaddeproveedoreshfh@helpingfamilieshelp.com
(Spanish-fluent providers only please!)
CRAFTy-MINTees: This special interest group is for any provider in the MI community interested in CRAFT-based approaches who is currently, or applying to be, a member of MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers).
Members of the CRAFTy-MINTees SIG can email the group at: crafty-mintees@helpingfamilieshelp.com
Potential SIGs
While they are not yet established, I can also imagine creating a Researcher’s SIG, one for ARISE trained folks, one for Recovery Coaches, one for Clinicians, providers in Canada, providers in the Pacific Northwest, one for Certified CRAFT Providers, one for providers who work with Parents of Adolescents, one for Advocacy work, one for Promoting CRAFT-based work… there’s so many possibilities for connection!
If we can find at least four HFHPN First Year or Active Level members who are interested in connecting around any CRAFT-based area of interest or geographical area, I’m happy to create a SIG!
Any SIG that is created through HFHPN is open to anyone at the Active or First Year Introductory level who meets the criteria for that SIG.
Use the forms below to either request joining a SIG or suggest a SIG that you are interested in being a part of!
Joining a SIG
SIGs are available for providers on the Active Membership or First Year Introductory plans.
If you indicated you wanted to be a part of a SIG during your sign up I will have added you to your requested SIG email groups as a part of the process of setting up your account. Haven’t seen the notifications? Please check your spam folder!
To join a SIG after you already created an account, simply fill out the form below and I will modify your account and add you to that SIG’s Google group.
If you are on the Basic plan you can upgrade to Active at anytime by logging in and changing your membership level here.
Please also notify me that you would wish to be added to a SIG by completing the form below as I won’t be automatically notified of your interest by the software behind the Membership Program.
Suggesting a SIG
Do you want to connect with others around a specific interest within the CRAFT-based world? If we can find at total of at least 4 HFHPN Active level or First Year members who are interested in joining that group, then let’s make it happen!
I imagine folks might want to gather together based on area of specialty, licensure or certification, geography, language… how do you want to connect with your colleagues?