Rethinking Rock Bottom Podcast

Rethinking Rock Bottom, a new podcast from CMC:Foundation for Change, is out now on all platforms

Join hosts Dr. Carrie Wilkens and Rev. Jan Brown in this 6-part series as they explore the complicated, and often life-altering, experience of loving someone struggling with substance use. Jan and Carrie will provide ways to approach the helping process that are grounded in the latest science, and their guests will share how real change happens for a family and the community around them.

Rethinking Rock Bottom sheds light on the impact shame and stigma have on those struggling and the people who care about them, and provides insights that can help everyone involved find the belonging they need. If you don’t have optimism that someone who struggles with substance use can change, we hope that you borrow some of ours and join us on this journey.

In Episode 1 meet Julie, a NYC based mom who reflects on how learning that her son’s anxiety, shame, and pain were hidden motivators to his substance use opened the door for her to find more ways to support and help him reduce his substance use. She discusses remaining connected and reimagining what a healthy life looks like for her son--with thoughtful ITC insight from Jan and Carrie.

Check it out at the links below or wherever else you get your podcasts, simply search: Rethinking Rock Bottom.

If you find this podcast helpful or inspiring, you can help CMC:FFC amplify their compassionate messaging by rating and subscribing to the podcast. And if the story speaks to you or someone you know, please don't hesitate to share.

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