Recovery Club America Resources & Eguides

Recovery Club America offers multiple resources for parents of teens and young adults who want to know how to effectively stop their teen’s alcohol or drug use and reconnect as a family again.

Explore the Parent Inner Circle program, Fast Track Parent Coaching, free Help and Hope Meetings, and events for parents, facilitated by Certified CRAFT Provider Gail Embt.

In addition to these valuable options, Recovery Club America periodically releases free eguides for parents. Check out their latest eguide release below!

Eguide: 101 Things To Do When You Want Your Child Off Drugs & Alcohol

Are you exhausted trying to get your child to listen to you about the dangers of substance use? Do you feel like you don't know what else to do?

There are hundreds of things we can do to reach our child. Here are 101 things that can reset the relationship with your child, encourage them to consider the negative aspects of their choices, and help you become the biggest cheerleader for change.

Using the list provided in this eguide, choose up to 3 things to try. Commit to using them consistently for 3 weeks. Check in about changes that you see. 

Get your Free eguide now.

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