Resources In Your Chosen Category
Browse the resources below that are available in the category you selected or click here to return to the main ”Books, Websites, & Podcasts” page.
CRAFTing Recovery: How To Motivate Your Teen/Young Adult To Overcome Substance Use
The tips and summaries in the CRAFTing Recovery book will guide you through the challenging situations we face when parenting a teen/young adult with substance use or mental health challenges. Taken from real world situations, you will find a treasure trove of wisdom about how best to tackle your challenges.
Hopestream Podcast for Parenting Kids Through Drug Use and Addiction
The revered listening resource for parents who have a teen or young adult child misusing drugs or alcohol, hosted by Brenda Zane.
Hopestream Community
A not-for-profit destination for support and educational services for parents of teens and young adults struggling with substance use and mental health challenges. We provide connection, education, and healing through powerful, private (not on Facebook) communities, workshops, a podcast, and wellness-focused retreats and events.
Living While Loving Your Child Through Addiction Podcast
Align your head, heart, and values with skills based in CRAFT to open the door to peace of mind, positive change, and a genuine connection with your child.
Peace of Mind Coaching Program for Mothers by Heather Ross Coaching
Heather Ross Coaching’s Peace of Mind Group Coaching Program for Mothers Only offers coaching, community, skills, and more!
Recovery Club America Resources & Eguides
Resources, events, group and individual CRAFT coaching for parents of teens and young adults lead by Certified CRAFT Provider Gail Embt.
The Compassion Antidote
The Compassion Antidote, by Catherine Taughinbaugh, will change the way you think about your role in family addiction. It will give you the tools and strategies you need to help your struggling young adult or teen transform their life—from being tethered to their drug or alcohol use to reaching their potential and thriving.
The 20 Minute Guide For Parents and The 20 Minute Guide for Partners
These workbooks, written by the Center for Motivation and Change, present CRAFT concepts in an easily accessible form and are a great companion to their ground-breaking book, “Beyond Addiction”.
Partnership to End Addiction
This free program partners with families, professionals and other organizations to end addiction. They offer a helpline, educational content, and a parent-to-parent coaching program, among other free resources and supports. If you are a parent or caregiver with a child of any age, this is the place to start. Resources are available in English and Spanish.
Regain Your Hope Online Course
This online course uses a proven, research-based approach to help your child heal. The course teaches you to talk to your child so that you both are able to hear each other, set boundaries you can keep, and take care of yourself along the way.
Addiction: The Next Step Crisis Toolkit
This free interactive guide, tailored to parents or to partners, teaches vital survival skills to families struggling with substance use. Learn new ways of communicating with the user, how to diminish family conflict, how to re-charge yourself.
Cadence Online: Parent CRAFT
This online video course teaches parents the skills they need to meet the risks of substance abuse. Parent CRAFT is based on the proven CRAFT method. Free access for residents of Maryland, USA.