Resources In Your Chosen Category
Browse the resources below that are available in the category you selected or click here to return to the main ”Books, Websites, & Podcasts” page.
Peace of Mind Coaching Program for Mothers by Heather Ross Coaching
Heather Ross Coaching’s Peace of Mind Group Coaching Program for Mothers Only offers coaching, community, skills, and more!
Recovery Club America Resources & Eguides
Resources, events, group and individual CRAFT coaching for parents of teens and young adults lead by Certified CRAFT Provider Gail Embt.
Based in Colorado, offers free online and in person groups and introductory videos for any family member interested.
Allies in Recovery
Step out of isolation and join thousands of other families with Allies in Recovery’s comprehensive online CRAFT program. The affordable program offers CRAFT training videos and online workshops, support groups, and expert guidance.
Families are trained and empowered to positively influence their loved one’s recovery journey and greatly reduce their own anxiety and worry. Membership is free for residents of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Mississippi, and other regions.
Partnership to End Addiction
This free program partners with families, professionals and other organizations to end addiction. They offer a helpline, educational content, and a parent-to-parent coaching program, among other free resources and supports. If you are a parent or caregiver with a child of any age, this is the place to start. Resources are available in English and Spanish.
We The Village
We The Village has helped 100s of American families get their loved ones through addiction recovery with their easy, affordable and effective online CRAFT programs. Click to learn more about the programs offered, how they can help you, more proven results from their National Institute of Drug Abuse funded pilot clinical trial and get started today!
SMART Recovery Family & Friends
Community peer groups for Family and Friends that use a CRAFT-based approach for their meetings and handbook. Meetings available both In-person and Online.